It's been a while since I've dumped all the pictures off our cameras because our computer's memory was at it's limits. Funny, because when we got our computer we were told it had a crazy amount of memory and it would be nearly impossible to fill. I guess they forgot they were talking to a mom that takes as many pictures as the paparazzi. So, I finally tackled this task and when I was going through the pictures I saw these and they just made me smile. When we took Ashley to the mountains for her birthday she was getting bored on the drive home so I gave her the camera and told her she could take a few pictures. I must have been in a snow traffic coma because I don't remember her taking so many pictures (about 100) but they are all pictures of her little world and the things she sees so I thought I would share.
This just made my heart melt. I think it's so funny that she was sitting like this but the fact that she took a picture makes me crack up. I love her!
The world's best elevator button pusher!
A girl with some seriously sleepy eyes.
Her view when she looks down, again, not so exciting :-(
Watching the world pass by.
I probably get asked a few times a week why this is here. We don't do much dry cleaning so she hasn't seen it used the way most people do. She thinks it would be a great place to hang toys so she could make her own mobile.
The door handle, such a treat when mom lets her open the door all by herself.
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